From the Minister's Desk
Reverend Bobby Kusilifu
Lessons on Faith from Mark 5:21 - 43
Our text has two stories that teach the most crucial element of our life, as disciples of Jesus, faith.
We see here how faith took Jairus from a life of fear to peace and the woman, from a life of suffering to healing. This passage shows us lessons Jesus wants us to learn and the place Jesus wants us to move to and that movement is a step of faith.
In the story, Jairus decides to run to Jesus for help. He demonstrated great confidence and showed faith in Jesus to help him. Then there is this poor, suffering woman. For twelve years, she suffered. She’s at the end of her rope. She sees Jesus, the one whom she’s heard about. She not only thinks but also believes, “He can help me.”
In both cases, their circumstances were beyond their control. Both desperate for help beyond what this world could offer. Faith is becoming desperate enough and wholeheartedly having the confidence and trust to come to Jesus. It’s letting go of pride. It’s saying to yourself, “I just don’t have what it takes. I can’t do this. I need help."
Jesus agrees to go with Jairus, then appeared, this woman. She makes her way through the crowd, she reaches out her hand, touches the edge of Jesus’ garment and something happens. So, what unlocks this power? Just this: personal need of a saviour and the empty hands of faith. That’s all this woman had. And that’s all she needed. That’s the difference.
Until you understand your personal need for Jesus and trust that He is able to help you, his power will be withheld from you. Jesus is saying to us all, “If you need me, come to me.” There were many in the crowd that touched Jesus but not with a touch of faith like the woman had.
After her touch, Jesus stops. He asks, “Who touched me?” Her faith was true faith but there was a healing this woman had not yet received from Jesus that only confession could bring about. So, Jesus looks around, waiting. And what does she do? She “came in fear and trembling and fell down before him and “told him the whole truth.” The only way you ever have the assurance of faith you need is if you tell him your whole truth. And when you do, he responds, like He did for the woman. “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”
When we come to Jesus as our only hope, he accepts that as faith worthy of new life. “While Jesus was still speaking, there came the news from Jairus’ household, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” Jesus isn’t shocked by the news of the girl’s death. In response, he said “Do not fear, only believe.” Here again, we see, faith is the key that unlocks any situation that seems impossible. God’s word is teaching us that Faith not only comes, faith stays when all seems lost, because in Jesus all is never lost. Jesus took Jairus’ faith to new heights.
Remember, faith is to trust God with your whole life. Death to Jesus is no unconquerable enemy. He enters the room, takes the child by the hand, and says to her, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” And she gets up immediately. She is healed. She eats, proving she’s really alive.
We learn here that, faith is more than trusting Jesus for physical healing. Faith is trusting Jesus for resurrection healing. Jairus was looking for a quick fix to his crisis. Jesus was directing him to a lasting hope, a resurrection hope. Jesus will ask more of us than we may want to give, but he’ll give more than we could ever imagine. He is faithful, and he will never fail you, no matter what the circumstances may say.
Remember his words to Jairus, “Do not fear; only believe!” That’s the lesson that the disciples learnt that day, that Jesus is truly, the way, the truth and the life. It is the Lesson that we need to learn today. Jesus presented himself as one who has the power to save, and has the word that gives eternal life and asks us to come to him and walk with him believing. That is a step of faith.
May the grace and peace of God be with you.
Bobby Kusilifu